I just finished reading Hermann's last book, "Der Energethische Imparativ". It is a fabulous analysis of how to transform the energy system - not in scientific theory, but in political practice. In the following blogs I will give a short summary of his ideas along with a changing focus on different chapters and a few own thoughts - as an appetizer for the book, not as replacement.
His main theses are:
1. Switching to Renewable Energy is as unavoidable as natural law
2. "Old Energy" changed strategy: from impeding to slowing down, from confrontation to becoming meek and mild.
3. One way of trying to slow change down forever are gigantic projects - good for PR, never going to happen, putting old energy back into the driver seat.
4. There is no win-win in moving to Renewable Energy. It can only be achieved if we face the conflict.
5. Accelerating the change to Renewable Energy requires a good understanding of the underlying system. The best measures increase the number of players and address a multitude of motives instead of just one. All other measures distract us and should not be pursued.
6. Germany can get 70% Renewable electricity until 2020, 100% until 2030. The measures are all known and proven. But the government is owned by big old energy.
7. And, those measures will be applicable in other countries to a large degree.
In the following blocks I will go into further detail for all of those theses - and share Hermann's sharp analysis and some astonishing facts.
I couldn't wait for this to be implemented. I hope it works well.